
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cleaning out my Freezer

Cleaning out a freezer can be like cleaning out our heart.  I recently took on that disagreeable task and learned something about myself.  I found alot of old stuff in there, items that  were no longer useable or desirable. Raspberries that had been picked several years ago were buried in the back.  Something like the sin that lurks in a heart.  Or, emotions, and attitudes that should have been taken care of long ago.  Yes, I did find items from the past, and they had taken on the odor and flavor of the freezer.  Sometimes we take on the odor and flavor of the world around us, and we cannot be used  in God's service. 
But among those unrecognizable blobs and outdated raspberries, I did find a really nice piece of recently purchased roast that I had forgotten.  What a nice surprise!  God tells us in his word to search the scriptures  and search our hearts.  Guess I should be checking my freezer more often, and checking my heart daily.

 Search me, Know my heart: Try me,  Know my thoughts, Oh, God.

Psalm 139:23

Saturday, May 14, 2011

 Hosea 6:4 the New Living Translation says: "O Israel and Judah, what should I do with you?" asks the LORD. "For your love vanishes like the morning mist and disappears like dew in the sunlight.
My desire is that my love and loyalty to the Lord would not dissapear like dew and mist in the sunlight amidst the annoyances, harships, and trials of life. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pam is helping me

My friend Pam W. is helping me to create this Blog.  I am so grateful for her help.  Today I ventured into this scary unknown world and explaining the reason for the title of this Blog.  I seek to honor the Lord with all I do and write, hoping to make a difference in a life, even if it is only my own.